Conceived in 2013 by CauseBecause, Coffee for Cause began as a half-day conversation event, and has since evolved into a series of thought-provoking, multi-week engagements.
Its offshoots have been moving across diverse settings—conference halls, bookshops, schools, institutions, offices, and even the virtual space—the event has become a dynamic platform that invites participation from thought leaders and practitioners across a spectrum of fields. Each iteration continues to enrich the conversation with perspectives that are deeply relevant to the domains of social responsibility, sustainability, and social impact.
Read more....Showcasing practical application of the 'theory of change' in sustainable programmes In focus, before the camera lens and you all, will be seven renowned entities, alongside their project stakeholders, who will showcase their innovative models that have evolved over the years in the last decade of CSR.
The event brings together a cross-section of ‘responsible’ champions from various cause verticals for informal talks over coffee, to seriously discuss causes that matter.
As all participants are primarily changemakers, the event provides them with a platform to interact, exchange ideas, share meaningful, impacting, and replicating models, and put the spotlight on best practices from the domain.
The Coffee for Cause (C4C) community is a diverse group of individuals united by a shared commitment to social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and the desire to create lasting change.